We want to hear from you! This blog would not be successful without all of our contributing writers and we would love to include you in that.
Below is a form to submit a guest post for Adventures in Breastfeeding.
We would love posts about:
- Your breastfeeding journey: think birth story but all about breastfeeding, from the first latch to where you are now.
- Any breastfeeding advice you may be able provide?
- Have a go to supply-boosting recipe? Share it with us!
- Have a product that has helped you get through breastfeeding? Review it for other moms!
- A breastfeeding-related craft
- Posts should be at least 300 words. Don't worry if it's long: depending on the topic, we can break it up into pieces.
- Please provide relevant images (that you have permission to use!) to go along with your post.
- You don't have to be the perfect writer, just have a voice! There is someone out there who can benefit from hearing your story, so please share it!
Email: adventuresinbreastfeeding at gmail dot com