Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The First Latch...my Adventure begins!

It was Tuesday, March 5th at 5:38 AM that my nursling entered the world and my adventure began...But let's go back a few months prior.

I had always planned to breastfeed and naively I didn’t know about the obstacles I may face. Yes, I had talked to friends and read breastfeeding books, but I didn't realize how complex nursing a baby could be. My limited knowledge of breastfeeding left me thinking “it's natural, the baby will know what to do.” But what I found is that she knew what to do, but I didn't.

Our first latch occurred within the first 20 minutes of her birth. I remember the first moment I felt her warm, new to the world body against my chest....it was an intoxicating feeling. We were able to enjoy the critical early moments of skin to skin.

 After my daughter had her vitals check, she was weighed, measured, diapered and swaddled. The most amazing labor and delivery nurse brought her back over to me and said “Are you ready to breastfeed?”...I felt ready, I was text book ready, but so many questions popped into my mind.

“What would it feel like?”
“Would I be able to nurse her in public”
“When would my milk really come in”

The nurse helped me cradle my daughter in my arms and guided her towards my breast. She opened her mouth wide...like she knew just what to do. And she did. I felt right, and loving. But it wasn't comfortable.

It was awkward, not her suckling, but the hold. I struggled to hold her, guided her head and manage my breast at the same time. My breast kept slipping under my arm and she would get frustrated. Then I met the 2nd most amazing nurse, a nursery nurse. She suggested “The football hold”.

Ah ha! Suddenly it all came together. I could support her and felt comfortable with the position. The football hold is still our favorite (although not easy for nursing in public but I will share my tips another day!), and as we approach the 9 month mark I am looking forward to the next chapters in our breastfeeding journey and sharing them with you and all the amazing ladies on this blog!

What were your first breastfeeding moments?

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